ABF LT and Klaipeda University signed cooperation agreement
ABF LT, together with Klaipeda University, have signed a cooperation agreement in training highly qualified specialists, improving study subjects, and expanding joint research in the field of information technologies.
The University undertakes:
- To prepare study programs and final theses, considering the topics offered by the company.
- Send students to internships and study tours organized by the company.
- Invite to participate in events organized by the University.
The company undertakes:
- To make suggestions regarding the improvement of study programs in the fields of Information Technology
- Inform the University about the need for specialists.
- To organize student internships and supervise students’ academic work, if necessary
- Give lectures on topics relevant to students, if possible
Since the 1970s, in America, the government has made great efforts to coordinate business and academic institutions. Over time, this practice spread over Europe. By this measure, it is more and more visible nowadays business practice. Moreover, ABF LT and Klaipeda University partnership agreement is not an exception.
University-industry collaboration brings together basic and applied research. Additional research and product development are often performed in industrial laboratories. However, industry researchers report that in participating in the discovery process, it is essential to maintain close alliances with university researchers to understand better the science on which the discovery is based.
Cooperation, like this, brings significant benefits not only for agreed parties but also to all society:
Social benefits: development of innovative products or solutions. Such as improved devices, energy efficiency, innovative electronic technologies, or more sustainable production methods.
Benefits for the University: Financial rewards for patents and licenses are often sought due to commercial-academic collaborations. IT is an opportunity for universities to reduce the lack of governmental financial support.
Also, it is a valuable opportunity for faculty to use equipment that the University may not always be able to purchase. Universities also increase the chances of finding undergraduate and graduate students’ jobs in the future through university-industry links.
Company Benefits: University researchers and students help industry researchers identify current research that can be useful in developing innovative processes and potential products. A first look at cutting-edge research gives companies a competitive advantage by reducing the time it takes to move a possible outcome from the lab to the market, strengthening international economic competition.
ABF LT is very pleased to have the opportunity to expand the list of its partners not only with direct customers but also with public and methodological institutions, such as Klaipeda University. Moreover, contribute to the improvement of education and business.
More about Comercial- Academic agreements benefits can find here.