UAB “ABF LT” implements the project “Installation of Renewable energy sources production capacities”
UAB “ABF LT” implements the project “Installation of Renewable energy sources production capacity”, which is partially financed by European Union funds. The aim of the project is to increase the production of RES in the final energy consumption.
During the implementation of the project, UAB “ABF LT” will implement an energy efficiency measure in its activities – a solar power plant, which will create conditions for saving energy and reducing electricity costs. The implementation of the project will also contribute to mitigating Lithuania’s impact on climate change, solving air pollution problems, and reducing energy dependence on imported energy resources.
The amount of project eligible costs is EUR 474 332,60
From the European Union funds, EUR 180 246,39 is allocated for the implementation of the project
The start of the project implementation is in July 2023.
The completion of the project is in July 2025.